class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Training Nasal, Kaur, and Besemah community members ### Bradley McDonnell ### 2020/03/03 (updated: 2020-03-02) --- background-image: url(img/nsy-training.jpg) background-size: cover class: right, top # Nasal, Kaur, Besemah training --- background-image: url(img/besemah-nasal.png) background-size: cover class: right, bottom # Two speech communities, two projects, one training --- # Two speech communities, two projects, one training
--- # Goals of the training 1. Learn UCSB-style Discourse Transciption 1. Learn ELAN 1. Learn basic glossing in FLEx --- # Activities 1. Learn a little, use it a lot. 1. Taught a little bit, then they practiced right away. 1. Provided lots of feedback early on 1. Provided activities to practice certain tasks that they'll be doing. --- class: inverse # Created an instruction manual  --- # Where do we go from here? 1. They've gone back to their villages and will begin transcribing and tranlsating recordings 1. We'll visit again in June/July to collect more data and check on their progress. --- class: middle, center, inverse # What could you do?