Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
October 13, 2023
Metadata activity with Lameta software.
‘a language documentation is a lasting, multipurpose record of a language … for generations and user groups whose identity is still unknown and who may want to explore questions not yet raised at the time when the language documentation was compiled’
‘Language documentation is the creation, annotation, preservation and dissemination of transparent records of a language.’
Produce a multipurpose record of the (speech/sign) practices of a community that can be used by future generations.
We take archive to mean “a trusted repository created and maintained by an institution with a demonstrated commitment to permanence and the long-term preservation of archived resources” (Johnson 2004:143).
As cited in (Henke & Berez-Kroeker 2016: 412)
Proper data management is crucial to develop such products in language documentation!
Plan as much as you can before you begin work.
Data Management Plan
A document (2 pages minimum) that outlines how you are going to go about managing data.
HandBrake (Free, but limited)
Davinci Resolve (Free, takes a lot computing power)
Adobe Premiere (Paid)
Importance of archive
Archives already do this for you, so archiving early and often will help!
What are the ethical considerations associated with the data?
“Data should be as open as possible, but as closed as necessary (Horizon 2020 Programme 2017).”
There is no one way to name files and good practice is a memorable and sustainable one for the individual researcher and team. (68)
Rules of Thumb
Metadata are information about an object that helps us to understand, find, and use that object.
Claudia Leto, Winarno Salim Alamudi, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Sonja Riesberg, Jani Kuhnt-Saptodewo, Antara News Tolitoli, and Bapak Zaharman. (1988 - 2010). Collection “Totoli”. The Language Archive. https://hdl.handle.net/1839/da11addf-bef3-4742-9c00-d85a446f2cdb. (Accessed 2023-10-11).
Louise Baird (collector). Keo Corpus. Collection LRB2 at catalog.paradisec.org.au [Closed Access]. https://dx.doi.org/10.4225/72/56E97A07C4F58 (Accessed 2023-10-11).
This is a conversation at night between extended family members at Yawan’s house on the downriver side in the village of Karang Tanding, Jarai, Lahat, South Sumatra. Sira (M, 48) was in charge of recording the event. His goal was to have a casual conversation with his mother Sawia (F, 76) and his aunt Juria (F, 86), two older members of the community, about the history of Karang Tanding. Most of the conversation revolves around Sira asking questions to Sawia and Juria, but ocassionally Yawan (M, 46) and his wife, Partiwi (F, 44), join in on the conversation.
Recorded on a Marantz PMD 670 solid-state audio recorder with an Audio-Technica AT875 stereo microphone.
This is an elicitation session with Neti and her daughter Nefi Amelia. It was video recorded with a Canon XA30 video camera outfitted with a Rode RTG2 shotgun microphone and audio recorded with a Tascam DR-70D with an Audio Technica AT8022 stereo microphone and Shure SM-35 or AKG C520 headset microphones. The session elicits different properties of the universal quantifier, the voice system, and generalized noun modifying clause constructions in Besemah. The original filename for these recordings was PSE-20180726-E.
Detailed metadata for participants is critical to understanding the data
Participant metadata
Make sure to fit the participant metadata to the context in which you are collecting data and not the other way around.
Organized into three main areas
Create a new participant in the people tab with information about yourself, including a picture as well.
Create a second participant
If you have time…
Add a custom field with additional information about your participants.
People with multiple roles
People often have multiple roles in a session. They can be a recorder and a speaker, for example. Lameta allows you to add the same person more than once with different roles.
Creating a separate media folder
Often our media files are larger than we can store on our laptop, so lameta allow us to use an external drive to add our media files.
Click File > Media Folders Settings...
and select the drive you would like to use.
You are now ready to export your project and send your data to the archive. * Click File > Export Project...
* For now I recommend exporting as Paradisec CSV
Also, you can help translate Lameta into Indonesian!
I recommend a self-paced online course